Category: Customer Success

  • The rise of RevTech bloat.

    The changes in how buyers buy and sellers sell have led to unprecedented growth in tools to support the customer journey from “Awareness to Advocacy,” we now have hundreds if not thousands of new tools available for a company to use. In addition, growth in RevTech AI tools has also increased, with apps such as…

  • The Career Roadmap for the Revenue Engine

    As a revenue operation leader, one of the essential tasks is enablement, including setting up your teams for success. Success will consist of bringing enablement practices to sales, marketing, and customer success. As part of your charter, you have responsibility for Onboarding, Coaching, Professional Development, and Continuous Training. In this post, I want to focus…

  • RevOps the agents of Change

    In the previous post on Revenue Operations, I shared the four core functions you would bring to your role: Operations Enablement Insights Tools Diving deeper into what these four elements represent, you will own the following for your organization: -Maintain go-to-market alignment. -Define and drive the process. -Create and maintain a revenue roadmap. -Manage the…

  • Customer Success & Revenue Operations

    In this post, I want to talk about the emergence of Customer Success. The Customer Success Association has defined this as “a long-term, scientifically engineered and professionally directed business strategy for maximizing customer and company sustainable proven profitability.” They further define this as integrating the functions of Marketing, Sales, Professional Services, Training, and Support into…