Category: Uncategorized

  • The rise of RevTech bloat.

    The changes in how buyers buy and sellers sell have led to unprecedented growth in tools to support the customer journey from “Awareness to Advocacy,” we now have hundreds if not thousands of new tools available for a company to use. In addition, growth in RevTech AI tools has also increased, with apps such as…

  • The key players to know in the complex B2B sale.

    You have spent time on building out your TAM, you have designed your Company’s ICP, you have developed your buyer persona’s, you developed and refined a good Account Score. But Sales are not closing at the anticipated rates you expect. Why? Here is a possible answer, Sales did not identify the Key Players in the…

  • The Ideal Customer Profile aka ICP

    In my previous post, How to Execute A Successful Sales Territory Business Plan?  We discussed how to build a TAM. I do not want to confuse this with the Ideal Customer Profile or “ICP”.  The TAM is used to define the right audience. This is the universe of everyone you can sell to and is…

  • Revenue Operations Scorecard

    In this post, I want to take a deep dive into the key metric that Revenue Operations should report on for a SaaS company. One of your fundamental roles is to keep the score, and this is accomplished by creating, updating, and understanding what the key metric is to track. In this ever-evolving world, we…

  • Revenue Operations – The gears to make revenue flow. Part III (Customer Success Operations)

    Customer Success (onboarding/expansion/retention)  Customer Services operations involve working with professional service teams, customer success teams, customer support teams, and customer experience teams to make it as efficient as possible for those teams to create an outstanding customer experience. To do so, service operations specialists will support and amplify team capacity, set up and maintain infrastructure…